An upcoming fan-zine about Genshin Impact's very own Thoma!


- Portfolios must consist of 5 to 10 pieces, with little to no filler in between. WIPs, concepts, or unfinished pieces are all considered filler.
- 3 samples of what you hope to offer to the zine. Samples are you putting your best foot forward, so they should be zine quality pieces. Your sample pieces may also be included within your portfolio.
- Portfolio or samples must feature at least one human character, preferably a character from Genshin Impact.
- Any website that is legible and easy to navigate will be considered. No personal posts should interrupt the focus of your portfolio.
- Double-check that your portfolio link works. A quick way to check this is to view your portfolio on a private window (incognito mode).
A Note to Writers.
- Writer portfolios must have pieces with a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 2000 words.
- Samples of larger chapter-based fics are fine, but we expect at least one completed work.
A Note to Merch Artists.
- Backgrounds are not as crucial to your portfolio as they are to Page Artists.
- Previously created merchandise is an asset. Links to shops or zine pieces are encouraged!


- A5 size, full colour.
- Will feature 30-40 contributors.
- Physical with digital copies available.
- For-profit, though individual contributors will be able to opt for their compensation to be donated to a charity instead. Charity is still to be decided.
- Contributors will be compensated with a digital zine as the bare minimum.


What is the rating for this zine?
Like Genshin, the zine is rated PG-13. Depictions of combat, mild wounding, and light profanity are allowed. No NSFW content is permitted.
Are spoilers allowed?
Spoilers are allowed, so long as it has occurred in-game by the time of the zine’s release. Content-based on leaks will not be allowed.
Are ships allowed?
As this is a general zine, the zine will not be featuring any ship content. All relationships are to remain platonic and SFW.
What will contributors be using as a means of communication?
We will be using Discord to communicate with the accepted contributors.
Can I submit traditional art?
Yes! Please scan your work in at 300 DPI with the proper specifications.
Can I submit old work to the zine?
No, the content in this zine must be specifically create for this project.
How old do I have to be to apply?
Applicants must be age 16 or older by the end of the application period.
Can I apply for more than one role?
Yes, but applicants will only be accepted for one role.
Do I have to have previously created works featuring Thoma in order to be able to apply?
Applicants need not have created content of Thoma previously in order to apply. This will have no effect on an application.
Can I post works-in-progress shots of my contribution?
Please refrain from posting WIPs outside of the server until after the zine has finished.
What rights do contributors have to their contributions after the zine has ended?
Contributors have full rights to their works following the zine’s completion. This includes, but is not limited to: posting, selling prints, and adding to portfolios.
How will applicants be screened?
Applications will be judged based on the application guidelines and consistency in quality of finished pieces. While ship preferences are not taken into account when judging applications, we ask that you only include SFW works in your portfolio.
Applicants are screened solely based on applications. Fictional content an applicant produces will not be taken into consideration, so long as it is not supportive of harmful ideology (racist, homophobic, etc)


JadeHost, Finance, Shipping
ArithraGeneral Mod
VivianArt Mod
BlueWriter Mod
JulesGraphics Mod


Schedule is subject to change.

Zine is announcedAugust 17th
Interest check opensSeptember 19th
Interest check closesOctober 2nd
Interest check resultsOctober 6th
Applications openOctober 10th
Applications closeNovember 14th
Emails sentNovember 21st
Deadline to acceptNovember 25th
Pitch proposalsNovember 30th
Check-in 1 - sketches/outlinesDecember 20th
Check-in 2 - halfway pointJanuary 21st
Check-in 3 - final touches~~Febuary 21st
DeadlineMarch 21st
Pre-orders openApril 15th
Pre-orders closeMay 15th
ProductionLate May
ShippingJune - July